All the different ways we can work together in 2023

I often talk about my 12-week programme, The Menopause Method, however rarely about the other ways we can work together in 2023.

? The Lose Weight | Feel Great 4-week Group Programme starts on Thursday 12 January and is for you if you want to learn the basics of how to lose weight and keep it off for life.

? A 60-minute dietary MOT is for you if you don't have any specific symptoms and just want a review of a 3-day food diary to ensure you're eating as healthily as possible.

? A 60-minute medication & supplement review is for you if you want to take the guesswork out of supplements and ensure what you're taking is safe with any prescription medication.

? The 90-minute menopause intensive is for you if you have one major symptom that is bothering you and you'd like to come up with a strategy and action plan for dealing with it.

? The Menopause Method is a personalised 12-week 1:1 coaching programme for you if you'd like to get to the bottom of your symptoms and stop them from disrupting your life and career.

Any questions? Get in touch!