“I’ve lost weight & feel great”, Alison Windsor

Meet Alison, who joined my last live group programme 'Lose Weight, Feel Great', that started in January.

Alison joined the programme because she had put on weight over the Xmas period, was not sleeping properly, and her energy levels were flagging.

During the 4-weeks, Alison learnt the key pillars to losing weight healthily and sustainably in a weekly live session. The weekly 7-day recipe and menu plan provided inspiration for how and what to eat, and I was on hand between sessions with messaging support through my clinic portal to answer any questions.

It was most definitely not about calorie counting, calorie deficits, weighing out portions or points systems.

Not only has Alison lost weight, but her sleep has improved and she is feeling lighter, brighter and more energetic.

I'll be running the 'Lose Weight, Feel Great' 4-week live programme again soon, if you're interested in joining watch this space for the early bird sign up offer!