Are menopause and alcohol a toxic cocktail?

In my clinical experience, drinking alcohol is linked to hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disruption, weight gain and much more. So the answer is most definitely yes!

Here's the lowdown:

? Alcohol can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to fall asleep.

?Alcohol can dilate your blood vessels, which can trigger hot flushes and night sweats, which also disrupts sleep.

? Alcohol shrinks your brain and impacts your stress response.

? Alcohol damages your gut microbiome and can activate histamine, making you feel ‘allergic’ and more sensitive to different foods and substances.

?Alcohol can increase your risk of osteoporosis by depleting calcium from the bones.

?Alcohol can cause weight gain. It stops your body from burning fat, stimulates your appetite, making you over-eat, it's high in calories [essentially liquid sugar] and it can lead to cravings for salty and greasy foods.

? Alcohol can stop oestrogen clearance [from your body], increasing the risk for conditions such as fibroids and breast cancer.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

I advise my clients to try cutting down, ensuring there are at least 2-3 days a week alcohol free, or better still going without for a couple of weeks to see if they notice a different in symptoms.

I've seen hot flashes, sleep disruption and mood swings disappear almost overnight!

I'd love to know how you feel about alcohol?