How to reverse osteoporosis & osteopenia

When I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia in 2021 I started on a new programme of nutrition and lifestyle changes to reverse this scary reduction in my bone density, AND my most recent DEXA scan show it is working!

🎯 Step one is to ensure you're eating enough protein every day and at every meal.

🎯 Step two is to do weight-bearing exercise 2 to 3 times a week. Working your muscles sends a signal to your bones that they need to keep rebuilding and stay strong. Don’t forget that bones are living tissue!

🎯 Step three is to check that your calcium intake is optimal and in the goldilocks zone ie not too low or too high – both can be dangerous in different ways. Do not blindly take a calcium supplement without checking whether you need to. The online calculator provided by The Osteoporosis Foundation is brilliant.

🎯 Step four is to ensure you have sufficient levels of additional micronutrients so that the calcium actually gets into your bones rather than into your body’s tissues and arteries [which is damaging]. This means high enough levels of vitamin D3 [best to test not guess], vitamin K2 and magnesium.

🎯 Finally, your gut microbes and immune system play a role in healthy bones. This means eating a diet full of many different types and colours of vegetables and fruits, plus fermented food.

If you're worried about osteoporosis and osteopenia get in touch. I can help you create a personalised plan of action just for you.