Feeling exhausted? Here’s what to try…

If you’re feeling exhausted, constantly worn out and can’t work out why, it’s time to dig deeper and uncover what is zapping you of your energy.

First things first – let’s start with the basics:

😴 Sleep – are you getting enough?

🥦 Nutrition – are you eating the right amount of nutrient dense food to provide you with the energy you need to function?

🤯 Are you chronically stressed? Is your schedule so jam-packed so that you never have a moment to stop and do something for yourself?

Once these basics are in place, if you’re still feeling exhausted, there can be many underlying reasons why:

❓ Are you low in iron or vitamin B12?

❓ Are you in chronic pain?

❓ Is your body inflamed?

❓ Is it menopause or perimenopause?

❓ Does your thyroid function properly?

❓ Do you have post viral fatigue? eg post Covid

❓ Do you have a high toxic load?

As a nutritional therapist I work like a health detective, I am trained to uncover what is really driving your fatigue, rather than patching over the symptoms with quick fix supplements.:

To start with why not download my 11 energy boosting tips, a free guide to fighting fatigue: https://ritchnutrition.com/energy-tips/

Or to dig deeper and uncover what is really zapping you of your energy, why not book in for a consultation?