Why the idea of exercising to lose weight is wrong!

You need to exercise to lose weight right? Wrong!

This outdated thinking is based on the calories in/calories out theory of weight loss, which assumes all calories are equal and that you need a calorie deficit to lose body fat. This takes no account of age, sex, weight, lifestage or any other condition, nor of whether the body is in the right physiological state for fat burning. And also doesn't explain why obesity levels keep rising.

What actually happens is that if you do more or eat less your body responds by potentially doing less of the vital work it needs to do for good health, such as fighting infection, reproduction, building bone density etc.

The alternative theory of weight loss is the carbohydrate/insulin model, based on reducing the highly refined, processed and sugary foods that caused increases in blood sugar and the fat storage hormone insulin. Essentially changing what you eat rather than how much.

I'm not saying don't exercise - it's important to keep moving for lots of reasons including good heart and mental health, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels..... just don't expect weight loss miracles. Oh and the type of exercise matters too!

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