It’s ok not to feel ok at Christmas time
This can be a difficult time of year for many people. The pressure to be happy and be seen to having the best time is just so high, that if you’re not feeling it, well it can be really hard in these short, dark days of winter. Sunday 22 December was the 8th anniversary of […]
How to manage overindulgence at this festive time of year
With the abundance of delicious food, parties, social gatherings and time off work, it can be a challenging time of year to manage healthy eating habits and intentions. So how do you enjoy the season without feeling guilty and still maintaining some balance? 1. Stop and consider why you overindulge [if you do]. • Is […]
Meet Kate who as lost weight, got more energy and had to reduce her HRT
When I first met Kate she'd been struggling to lose the 1.5 stone she’d put on in the past year. Kate had tried everything. Cutting calories, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, SlimFast and fasting! BUT nothing she tried helped shift the weight. Here's how we worked together over 12-weeks to lose that weight, increase her energy […]
Are You One of the 53% of UK Women Aged 40-60 Who Have Missed Work Due to Menopause Symptoms?”
If so I'm sure you're not surprised by this shockingly high statistic. Although menopause is a natural transition, for many women symptoms such as hot flushes, fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings — can feel anything but manageable. 8 years ago menopause symptoms wreaked havoc on my career in marketing and brought it to a […]

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