What everybody whose lost their bedroom mojo in menopause needs to know


In fact according to a recent survey the British Menopause Society reported over 51% of post menopausal women felt the same.

And you can blame your oestrogen levels dropping for that!

Oestrogen is one of your “LOVE” hormones.

And it’s what your body needs to give you your bedroom mojo.

When your oestrogen level falls in post menopause this causes decreased blood flow and a whole lot of less pleasure!

Here’s 3 ways to getting your blood pumping and feeling sexy and confident again

1. Sex-ercise

Add in strength-building core exercises to your workout routine [sex is exercise]. This is vital for getting your blood pumping and getting in the mood.

2. Eat more oestrogen mimicking foods

Flaxseeds, sesame seeds, broccoli sprouts, edamame beans and nuts are nature’s finest way of increasing your estrogen levels naturally.

3. Supplements + herbs

Maca, red clover, ashwagandha and red ginseng are great for libido. Ginger, thyme, and turmeric improve blood flow and Siberian rhubarb activates your oestrogen receptors.

Has your sex drive disappeared since you’ve hit menopause? Let me know!