Did you know that 25% menopausal women quit their jobs because of symptoms?

Being bullied at work because of menopausal symptoms is shocking but sadly all too common. This topic hit the news headlines recently. A tribunal awarded one lady £20,000 after being unfairly dismissed from her job following harassment from her male employer, with comments such as she ‘must be on her menopause’.

I too was unfairly dismissed from my corporate job 6 years ago and this kind of bullying has been going on for years. I remember being asked ‘whether I was on my period’ – unbelievable, isn’t it?

As a result, 49% women consider taking early retirement and 9% actually have disciplinary action taken against them because of their symptoms.

Can you relate to this?  Do let me know.

P.S. For actionable tips on how to STOP being held captive by your menopause symptoms at work so you can fee confident and focused all day, get your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to navigating menopause in your corporate career at www.ritchnutrition.guide