Are you making these 4 FATAL mistakes with your menopause supplements?

So many women come to me armed with a long list of supplements that they’ve been taking for months - sometimes even years!

And when I ask them if they’re working for them they have no idea.

If this is you, here’s why they are not working:

1.Taking supplements is like putting a sticking plaster on the symptom – it’s not addressing the underlying reason why it’s happening.

2.You’re taking the same supplements as your friend Sally. Just because it worked for Sally doesn't mean it’ll work for you. No two women's bodies are the same!

3. Not all supplements are made equal. Stocking up in Holland and Barrett on a buy-1-get-1 free you “think” you need, is doing your body more harm than good. The High street is notorious for selling supplements that contain fillers and VERY little of the actual active ingredient you need from a supplement.

4. Self -prescribing yourself supplements you think you need is not only dangerous but mixing the wrong supplements together [because you don’t know the exact ones you need] is having the opposite effect.

Taking supplements without understanding how they work in your body will cause even more problems.

To guarantee you’re taking the EXACT supplements YOUR body needs during menopause get in touch and I’ll tell you how.