Struggling with menopausal moods swings? Here’s 5 reasons why you’re making them 10X worse!
Mood swings are a classic menopausal symptom and caused by fluctuating hormone levels, as your body tries to cope with peaks in oestrogen & dips in progesterone. They’re a scaled-up version of premenstrual syndrome [PMS].
And the #1 reason you suddenly find yourself suddenly plunging for no apparent reason from feeling good to a deep sense of despair or rage?
Sorry but needs to be said ?
What you’re currently doing is making your mood swings 10X worse!
1. Not getting enough sleep, which is why you're tired and cranky all the time.
2. Using a glass of wine for a quick pick- me-up can make your bad moods worse, just adding to the problem.
3. Treating yourself to a coffee and piece of cake to boost your mood.
4. Taking supplements recommended by Dr Google [your menopause isn’t a one size fits all].
5. Chilling out on the sofa binge-watching a Netflix series for hours on end because you’re feeling low.
If these sound like you then it’s the reason why you need to download your FREE copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Menopause in Your Corporate Career at
Because dialing into what’s causing your mood swings is the secret to regaining your confidence, focus and clarity at work.