A staggering 78% women don’t immediately recognise their menopausal symptoms!

Unbelievable isn’t it? ??

But true.

And I was one of them.

Most of us [women] have heard of hot flushes and night sweats. But it’s brain fog that can have the most devastating effect on your life and career.

6 years ago, when severe brain fog struck, leaving me unable to function at work, I had no idea it was menopause-related. I just thought I was incompetent. And then I was fired!

Understandably I was left feeling devastated, miserable and uncertain about my future. ?

However, when I discovered that oestrogen is found in every cell in the body, it made sense. Low menopausal oestrogen levels affects your brain too!

And after completely overhauling my diet and lifestyle my brain fog cleared and I felt confident enough to start my 4-year nutrition training.

If you want to STOP being held captive by your menopause symptoms at work and READY to start feeling confident and focused all day, get your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Menopause in your Corporate Career at ritchnutrition.com/guide