Is HRT the only solution?

I wanted to have a rant about the over-medicalisation of menopause and the media focus on HRT.

Whilst I welcome the increased awareness of menopause I don’t think it’s particularly helpful to position HRT as THE solution to distressing menopausal symptoms. As if it’s a magic bullet solution - which it isn’t!

There’s hardly any mention or discussion around how nutrition and lifestyle play a very vital role in how you feel and how you’ll experience menopause.

And this really is a huge disservice to all women and in particular those that cannot for whatever reason take HRT.

I was one of those women 6 years ago, with a history of breast cancer, which meant HRT wasn’t an option for me.

Since then I have discovered the nutrition & lifestyle solutions that work and completely retrained and switched careers to help other women.

And that’s why I’ve developed The Menopause Method©, a personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme to address YOUR specific symptoms and get you back to feeling normal again.

Find out more and apply to work with me at