Want to find out what your hormones are really doing?

So did I.

So rather than relying on GP blood tests I did a DUTCH test [Dried Urine Testing of Complete Hormones].

This is one of the most comprehensive hormone tests available and looks at far more than just blood levels of oestrogen and progesterone.

Testing hormones in blood doesn’t really give you the full picture of what's happening in your body.

Hormones can be very erratic, particularly leading up to menopause – so levels may be fine at 2pm when you’re having your bloods taken, but at 2am it could be a whole different story.

Hormones also work together like an orchestra so you also need to know what's happening with testosterone, stress [cortisol] and sleep [melatonin] hormones.

Plus, once hormones have been used they need to be removed from the body via the liver and kidneys. Testing shows exactly how effective this is, which routes they’re taking and whether they’re being eliminated safely.

So if you really want to get to the bottom of your symptoms, a DUTCH test can help provide the answers.

Contact me to find out more.