Why I made the move from Marketing Director to Menopause Nutritionist

6 years ago, with a history of breast cancer I was one of those women for whom HRT wasn’t an option and although I didn’t realise it at the time I am now hugely grateful that it gave me the momentum to investigate natural alternatives and eventually motivated me to completely retrain and switched careers to help other women.

Everyone is talking about Davina McCall's latest menopause documentary, which I though was brilliant. I totally admire what she has done and continues to do to raise awareness of distressing menopausal symptoms, which after all will affect 50% of the population at some point in their lives.

However, although there were 3 mentions of the importance of nutrition and lifestyle approaches to helping women manage their symptoms, the discussion quickly returned to medication.

It really is not very helpful to position HRT as THE solution to distressing menopausal symptoms. As if it’s a magic bullet solution - which it isn’t!

The truth is that your nutrition, lifestyle and stress levels play a pivotal role in how you feel and how you’ll experience menopause.

And not exploring these options is a massive disservice to all women and in particular those that cannot for whatever reason or don't want to take HRT.

And that’s why I’ve developed The Menopause Method©, a personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme to address YOUR specific symptoms and get you back to feeling normal again.

Go to ritchnutrition.com/method to find out more and apply to work with me.