Why you don’t need to panic if you can’t [or don’t want to] take HRT

With the current [very welcome] media discussions about menopause you would be forgiven for thinking that there was only 1 solution to managing symptoms and that is by taking HRT.

This annoys me for so many reasons!?

1. It treats menopause as a medical problem that needs to be solved.

2. It considers menopause as a state of hormone deficiency, rather than a natural phase in a woman’s life.

3. It's an over simplistic approach that assumes all women are equal and a magic pill will solve every symptom.

4. It excludes any discussion of alternative or complementary natural lifestyle and nutritional solutions.

5. Not every woman is able to take HRT and not every woman wants to.

6. It overlooks the fact that there are extremely complex chemical processes at play:-

? It's not just about hormonal levels declining with age. Your diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in the chemical processes that create the hormones in the first place.

? When hormones are produced they have to be transported around the body to the organs and cells where they’re needed. Your diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in whether this is happen-ing effectively.

? Once the hormones have done their job they then need to be removed from your body safely [in your urine & pooh]. Your diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in getting these processes working efficiently.

Otherwise you get hormonal imbalances. Which means that it really is not as simple as saying menopause = hormone deficiency = HRT is the answer.

6 years ago when distressing menopausal symptoms struck me, my history of breast cancer meant that anti-depressants were the only thing on offer and I had to find alternative solutions.

And that’s why I developed The Menopause Method© my personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme that will address YOUR specific symptoms and teach you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feeling normal again.