Did I mention that I was one of the 9% of women who have disciplinary action taken against them?

I posted recently about why I made the move from marketing director to menopause nutritionist.

But I forgot to mention one key fact - that 6 years ago I was fired from my corporate job and be-came one of the 9% of women that have disciplinary action taken against them.

A further 49% women consider taking early retirement – shocking isn’t it?

When anxiety, brain fog and hot flushes struck me, the lack of focus and concentration left me struggling to function in a job I had done successfully for over 30 years. I just couldn’t seem to think straight. I felt like my brain had gone AWOL.

Even though I was unfairly dismissed it was a serious low point in my life and I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of distress and panic - on top of menopausal symptoms!

But every cloud has a silver lining and it gave me the push I needed to leave the corporate world behind and retrain in something I’m passionate about, which is helping other women avoid what happened to me.

Despite the massively increased awareness and discussion around menopause, there is still a total lack of information about how you can manage your symptoms naturally.

This is why I developed a personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme that will address YOUR specific symptoms and teach you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feeling normal again - The Menopause Method©.