“My hot flushes and night sweats were much improved after making the changes Helen recommended”

I’m always so excited when clients like this one start to see improvements and quite often they happen really quickly.

Every day I witness the power of nutrition and lifestyle in action in managing menopause and helping clients to feel normal again.

Hot flushes and night sweats are two of the most widely recognised symptoms of menopause. Both are hugely embarrassing, inconvenient and can really mess up your sleep, not to mention your pyjamas and bed sheets.

My hot flushes started 6 years ago when I was at my senior marketing job. I’d suddenly find my-self as red as a beetroot for no apparent reason.

It was so embarrassing and made me feel like a nervous idiot. Not great when you’re managing a team!

At the time I had no idea what to do and just put up with them. I was used to blushing regularly as a shy child, menopause just took this to a whole new level!

Now I know, however, that one of the main culprits driving hot flushes and night sweats is stress.

It’s vital that you start managing your stress levels effectively because it knocks all of your hor-mones out of balance and drives many other menopause symptoms too. Yoga and meditation work for me and are definitely worth a try.

For more tips on managing hot flushes at work why not download 'The Ultimate Guide to Navi-gating Menopause in your Corporate Career' from ritchnutrition.com/guide