Let’s talk hormones

Fed up of feeling anxious, unable to think clearly and function like you used to at work?

READY to start feeling cool, calm and confident?

Then let's talk hormones.

Different hormones affect you in different ways. Learning how they work and the role they play in your body is the key to start getting back to normal and feeling like your old self again.

Hormones are complex and we’re not just talking about oestrogen and progesterone here.

All your hormones work together like an orchestra and when one is out of tune, there is a knock on effect on the rest.

Here’s a quick beginner’s guide:

Your sex hormones govern your reproductive cycle and sense of wellbeing. At menopause it’s natural for these to be lower.

Your adrenal (stress) hormones regulate your body’s response to stress. If cortisol is high all your other hormones will by knocked out of balance.

Your energy-balance hormones control your energy, hunger and blood-sugar balance. If insulin is high you’ll store fat instead of losing it.

Your mood hormones [neurotransmitters] govern your focus, mood and daily well-being.

Your thyroid hormones control your metabolic processes. If T3 is high you won’t lose weight.

This complex interplay of hormones has a profound effect on your daily life. With every emotional response you have, there’s a hormonal response inside you that’s mimicking it.

Learning how to speak hormones and working with rather against this internal communication system can help you manage everything from brain fog to stress to quality of sleep.

The aim is to support your body to produce a balance of hormones with good nutrition and life-style practices.

This is what you’ll learn inside The Menopause Method© - my personalised 12-week 1:1 pro-gramme for women who are ready to start getting back to normal and feeling like their old selves again.

The Menopause Method© will give you the know-how and confidence to finally start living life on your terms.

This is for you if you’re a corporate menopausal woman who’s feels like their career is being sab-otaged by their symptoms.


This isn’t for you if…

You’re someone who wants a quick fix, without having to put in the work.

You’re not 100% committed to taking action to stop your menopausal symptoms ruining your life.

Which one do you want to be?