Why your menopause Facebook group will not help with your symptoms

There are lots of FB support groups out there where you can ask for advice on whatever menopausal symptom is bothering you most.

Some of them are managed by qualified nutritionists and provide useful tips & valuable advice.

However, most are really forums for miserable, moaning and desperate women looking for quick fixes to their menopause symptoms.

Ouch I know that sounds harsh!

And whilst I understand how therapeutic it can be to vent and have the sympathetic ear of other women with similar experiences, the advice is unlikely to help you with your symptoms.

Here’s why.

The recommendations are most likely to be supplements or prescription medications, which are not a one-size fix-all solution.

What worked for one person won’t work for you. Everyone is different. There is no one size fits all approach to relieving menopause symptoms.

We are all unique individuals with our own health history, genetics, lifestyle and specific set of symptoms.

You need a BESPOKE strategy that will teach you how to effectively manage and control your symptoms so you can start feeling normal again.

This means a personalised programme of nutrition, lifestyle and possibly also supplements to suit you, your body, your symptoms and your lifestyle.

This is what you’ll learn inside The Menopause Method© my personalised 12-week 1:1 pro-gramme for women who are ready to start getting back to normal and feeling like their old selves again.

This is for you if you want to TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

This isn’t for you if…

You’re looking for a quick fix, without having to put in the work.

Find out more & apply to work with me at ritchnutrition.com/method.