Should you test your hormones if you’re taking HRT?

I'm often asked this question and the answer is YES if you really want to get to the underlying cause of your menopause symptoms.

The DUTCH test [Dried Urine Testing of Complete Hormones] is one of the most comprehensive tests available and shows you what's really going on with all of your hormones.

Even though the test can’t differentiate between the hormones produced by your body and those provided by HRT, it's definitely worth it.

Here's why:

✅ It will measure your overall levels of oestrogen and progesterone so you can see if you're within range for a woman taking HRT.

✅ It will show you what all the other key hormones are doing such as testosterone, stress [cortisol], sleep [melatonin], dopamine [mood], plus vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

✅ Plus, all hormones need to be safely removed from the body via the liver and kidneys and testing shows how effective this is, which routes they’re taking and whether they’re being eliminated safely.

Why is all of this important?

Because hormones are complex and all work together like an orchestra. If you’re feeling off you need to find out which of your hormones need tuning up and you may be surprised by the results – it’s usually not quite as simple as saying that oestrogen levels are low therefore let’s top them up!

So if you really want to get to the route cause of your specific menopause symptoms a DUTCH test can help provide the answers.

Test don’t guess!

Get in touch with me to book a DUTCH test.