Fed up of being a member of the 3am wide awake club?

I used to wake up at 3am most nights then lie awake for hours tossing & turning only to fall asleep just before my alarm went off at 7am.

It was not only exhausting making me feel like I was running on empty, but adding to my already high anxiety levels.

But after using these 5 simple techniques I now sleep like a baby every night:

? Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will reset your circadian rhythm [body clock] building up the desire to sleep throughout the day.

? Wear an eye mask to ensure you’re sleeping in total darkness. It helps close down your mind and signals it’s time to sleep.

? Don’t eat in the 3 hours before bed. It can cause indigestion, which interferes with sleep.

? Stop looking at screens, phones and laptops for at least 1 hour & preferably 2-3 before bedtime. The blue light blocks the build-up of the sleep hormone melatonin you need to get to sleep and stay asleep.

? Relax before bed and take time to unwind e.g. reading a book, taking a bath or listening to mu-sic.