Why Stress is making your menopause symptoms 10 x worse

Stress can make every single menopausal symptom worse: hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, mood swings, poor sleep and weight gain.


BECAUSE hormones work together like an orchestra. When your stress hormone cortisol is high, it has a knock-on effect on all your hormones.

It’s a complex chemical process but put simply cortisol takes priority over everything else!

In menopause when your ovaries stop producing oestrogen, your adrenal glands take over. So if they’re busy pumping out cortisol they can’t produce the oestrogen you need.

This means that learning how to effectively manage your stress levels is vital to feeling better and like your old self in menopause.

Find what works for you. It could be getting outside in nature; building social connections; deep breathing techniques; yoga or meditation. All have been shown to help man-age stress levels and reduce menopausal symptoms.

Don't know where to start? Then get in touch. The Menopause Method© is my personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme, designed to address YOUR specific symptoms and teach you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feeling normal again.