Why not to adopt the ‘Ah f**k it mentality to eating at this time of year’

As Christmas approaches it’s tempting to ditch all the intentions to eat healthily, do more exercise, start losing weight, get a grip of your menopause symptoms and think…. "Ah f**k it, I’ll start in the New Year."

Does this ring a bell?

I know it’s all too easy to adopt this mindset, but that’s what most people do and it will not help you move towards what you really want.

The only time we have to make a difference in our lives is NOW!
Yes, Now!

The action you take right now is the only one that is going to make a differ-ence to your life.

So start living in the NOW!

[‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle is a must-read!]

Living moment by moment enables you to think every time you eat or drink “does this take me towards or away from my goals aka what I really want?”

And if you don’t have any goals then start setting them NOW!

Think about how you want your 2023 to look and go from there.

And if you’d like to talk through your health concerns and discover how I can help then get in touch!

There are 3 spaces left to start working with me in January 2023 and if you book in this month, I’ll hold my 2022 prices for you.

Finally, my top tip for healthy eating and avoiding a flare up of hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog, disrupted sleep and anxiety, not to mention the dreaded Xmas weight gain, is to load your plate with veggies.

In particular broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and those little balls of won-der: Brussel sprouts. As well as being packed full of fibre, protein, anti-oxidants, vitamin B6, C and K, they help your liver function better by eliminating all the toxic substances eg alcohol [including hormones] that it needs to.

I'd love to know what goal you are setting yourself NOW! Let me know!