How we tackle brain fog inside The Menopause Method

Meet Janine, whose brain fog left her feeling like a broken person when we first met, and can now look forward to the rest of her life

Janine was initially skeptical that working on nutrition and lifestyle could help her feel better, but she wanted to avoid taking replacement hor-mones so took the plunge.

So what did we work on during the 12 weeks of working together inside The Menopause Method?

❤️ We cut down on the sugary & starchy carbs that play havoc with blood sugar levels and can contribute to brain fog.

❤️ We introduced a bed-time routine to help Janine get a good 7-8 hour’s sleep. Poor quality or lack of sleep leads to lower levels of concen-tration & alertness.

❤️ We found ways for her to manage her stress levels by making time to relax and unwind. Stress can kill brain cells and shrink your brain.

❤️ We added in 2-3 portions of oily fish a week, to ensure she was get-ting the Omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain and nerve cell health.

❤️ We prioritised finding time to do regular exercise - walks with her family - to help oxygen get the brain and facilitate the growth of new brain cells.

❤️ We increased the amount of water & liquids she was taking in each day to 2 litres, to avoid dehydration – a common cause of poor memory and brain fog.

❤️ We ensured she was eating protein at every meal, to provide sufficient energy to get her through her busy days AND create the building blocks for a good night's sleep.

Inside The Menopause Method, my 12-week personalised nutrition coach-ing programme, I teach you how to manage your specific set of symp-toms so that you can get back to feeling normal [or even better] again.

Apply to work with me in my profile or DM me. And don’t forget that 2022 prices still valid until 31st December!