Why HRT is not a magic bullet solution to menopause symptoms

If we believed everything we heard in the media, we’d think that managing menopause symptoms is all about getting a doctor’s prescription for replacement hormones.

I don’t blame you for thinking this way, this is how our health system works. When you’re feeling unwell you go to the doctor and expect them to come up with a solution.

So are you surprised then that all that is on offer is a prescription for replacement hormones?

This approach completely ignores the power of simple nutrition and lifestyle changes to completely resolve menopause symptoms in most of the women I work with.

?Menopause is not a medical problem that needs to be solved.

?Menopause is not a hormone deficiency; it is a natural phase in a woman’s life.

?All women are not equal and there is no magic pill that will solve every symptom.

?Not every woman is able to take HRT and not every woman wants to.

Our bodies are complex – there are many extremely complex chemical processes at play.

Whether or not you choose to take HRT, it is vital to look at your nutrition and lifestyle to ensure you’re feeling your best and taking the lowest dose of hormones possible.

Plus, post menopause you have another 30-40 years of life ahead of you, which can be the healthiest and happiest years of your life.

When menopause symptoms hit me 7 years ago, my history of breast cancer meant that anti-depressants were the only thing on offer and I had to find alternative solutions.

This is just one of the reasons I studied to become a menopause expert, to smooth the path of all those who follow in my footsteps.

I'm here to help!