Why I tested my hormones even though I’m post menopause

The reason why I was so keen to test my hormones via DUTCH [dried urine testing of complete hormones] testing was because in 2014 I was diagnosed with oestrogen-receptor positive breast cancer.

I’m totally fine now, however I wanted to understand how safely and effectively oestrogen was being cleared from my body.

One of the most important factors affecting hormone levels is how efficiently hormones are removed from the body [via the liver and kidneys ] once they been used. There are 3 pathways [routes] that oestrogen can take and one of them is safer and less likely to damage DNA than the others. I was pleased to see that everything was ok here and no changes needed, meaning that this was not likely to be a risk factor for the cancer returning.

I was also curious to know whether my oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone were in range for a woman of my age – which they were.

Plus the test shows you what’s happening with your stress hormones [cortisol and adrenaline]; your sleep hormone [melatonin], your feel good hormone [dopamine]; vitamins B12 and B6 and much more.

The only surprise in my results was very high night-time levels of cortisol. This helped explain why I often used to wake up with a headache and why I was struggling to lose weight at the time.

The test provided me with vital information on what to work on.

If you want to understand what’s really happening with ALL of your hormones, then get in touch.

Test, don't guess!