Warning – your nail polish could be making your menopause symptoms worse!

It feels great doesn’t it, to step outside the nail salon with a set of fresh and shiny glamorous nails.

I know from experience that it can become a habit that is hard to break, even though we can see the physical damage it’s doing to our nails underneath.

But, what most of us don’t stop to think about is the damage that all the toxic ? chemicals in-volved are doing to our body.

Our nails are porous and anything you put on them seeps through into the bloodstream.

Many of these chemicals are structurally similar to human oestrogen and can disrupt your hormones, making your menopause symptoms worse.

All chemicals also need to be packaged up, processed and removed safely from your body. This is one of the 500 vital functions performed by the liver, and adds to its toxic load.

So think carefully about everything you’re putting on and into your body and be kind to your liver.

This is one of the topics I covers in The Menopause Method - my personalised 16-week private nutrition coaching programme, designed to teach you how to manage your hormones naturally and address YOUR specific symptoms so that you can get back to feeling normal again.