Why our approach to menopause is so wrong! Time for a rebrand…

In many cultures around the world, women do not experience the hot flushes, insomnia, mood swings and other symptoms commonly experienced by women in the UK.

Why is that? It’s not because they’ve got magical powers ?that stop their levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone declining!

It’s because their diet, lifestyle and cultural approach to menopause is totally the opposite to ours.

In these cultures, menopause is seen as a positive event, associated with feelings of joy, freedom and new possibilities. A time to focus on personal growth and development. ?

Many of these women look forward to menopause and their newfound status as spiritual leaders of their communities, with increased social power and respect.

I love that these menopausal women are viewed as ‘wise women’, repositors of information. When their menstrual blood stop, they ‘retain their wise blood’ and cross the threshold into ‘wise womanhood’.?

This all goes to show that diet, lifestyle and mental approach to menopause makes a huge difference.

In the UK we worship at the altar of youth and beauty, with menopause often seen as a negative event, associated with feelings of loss, sadness, and anxiety. How very sad! ?

The way we think about menopause can have a big impact on how we experience it. If we view it as a negative event, we're more likely to experience negative symptoms.

It's important to remember that menopause is a natural part of life, and it doesn't have to be a difficult experience. We can choose to see it as a time of change, transition, and empowerment.

Armed with the right information making changes to diet and lifestyle can change your entire experience of menopause.

Unfortunately changing our cultural approach may take a little longer! ?