Meet Michele: “I’ve lost weight, increased energy, improved sleep & reduced my hot flushes, plus resolved an 8-month persistent headache!”

Meet Michele, one of my most recent clients, whose symptoms, after 16 weeks inside The Menopause Method, have either gone or vastly improved.

When we met, Michele had had a chronic persistent headache for 6 months, that no healthcare professional had been able to resolve.

She also had the classic menopause symptoms of hot flushes and poor sleep, along with a history of hormonal imbalances.

Today, her headache has gone, her sleep has improved, her hot flushes are reduced, her energy level has increased and she’s lost weight.

This is not miracles at work, far from it. Michele has worked hard to make changes to her nutrition and lifestyle, and has diligently investigated every possible solution to her headache.

So what has made the difference in the 16 weeks of working together?

❤️ We cut down on the sugary & starchy carbs that play havoc with blood sugar levels and can drive hormonal symptoms such as hot flushes and poor sleep.

❤️ We added in protein to every meal, to provide sufficient energy to support her busy life-style.

❤️ We ensured she was getting the Omega-3 fatty acids needed for brain and hormone , by eating 2-3 portions of oily fish a week.

❤️ We introduced a timetable of 3 balanced meals a day, ensuring these were eaten slowly and mindfully to support her digestion.

❤️ I recommended reading ‘The Divided Mind’ by John E. Sarno. This book is based on the theory that the route cause of chronic pain can be psychosomatic.

If you're looking for results like this, this could be you too!

No matter what your symptoms are, my approach to your nutrition, health and well-being is completely personalised.

There are 2 spaces left to start working with me in June... be quick!