Hair on the chin [nose, lip]? It’s a menopause thing!

If you’re like me and have noticed excess hairs on the chin, upper lip and up the nose, now you're menopausal, you may have wondered why this is happening?

It’s all because of the relatively lower levels of oestrogen versus testosterone [aka an androgen excess], so essentially another symptom of hormonal imbalance.

Is there a solution?

Well in my case I find them embarrassing and have them waxed or threaded away as often as I need it doing.

Other women are less self-conscious than me and happy to go 'au naturel' so there really isn't a right answer to this one.

However, in terms of nutrition, what I recommend for all menopause symptoms may help too:

? Not eating too many sugars and refined starchy carbs that stimulate insulin production, which plays havoc with our hormones in oh so many ways.

? Ensuring you eat good quality protein at each meal.

? Including phytoestrogens, which weakly mimic human oestrogen and can help with hormonal balance. These are found in many veggies & pulses, but the highest concentrations are in ground flaxseeds, soya beans, tofu etc.

For more specific and personalised advice based on your unique set of symptoms, get in touch!

P.S. Whilst looking for images for this post, I was horrified to find lots of photos of younger women apparently proudly showing off nose hair extensions – surely this can't be/or have been a thing? ??