Are you getting your daily dose?

To feel good at menopause every little thing you can do to boost your happiness levels can make a difference.

Focus on getting a daily dose of these 4 important chemicals.

Here’s how:

? Dopamine - the "reward" chemical that is released when you achieve a goal or experience something pleasurable.

Boost your dopamine levels by setting and achieving small goals, even small things like going for a walk. Do things you enjoy, such as listening to music or reading a book.

? Oxytocin - the “love hormone” and "bonding" chemical that is released during social interactions, such as hugging, kissing, and sex/orgasm.

Boost your oxytocin levels by spending time with loved ones, giving and receiving massages, and doing things that make you feel connected to others. It also counteracts stress and help you reduce your cortisol levels.

? Serotonin - the “feel good” "mood" chemical responsible for regulating your emotions.

Boost your serotonin levels by getting enough sleep, eating well and practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.

⚗️ Endorphins - the "painkilling" and stress relieving chemicals that are released during physical activity.

Boost your endorphin levels by exercising regularly, getting a massage, or listening to music.

Every little thing you do helps and you can see that simple activities such as walking in nature ticks all 4 boxes.

Find something that works for you and start making it a regular part of your life, so it becomes a daily habit.

Oh and don’t forget to laugh - laughter is a great way to relieve stress and boost your mood.

What one are you going to do today?