Don’t forget that menopause is not a disease!

It makes me sad to see how overmedicalised menopause has become. With the media focused on what type of HRT to take and how to talk to your doctor, you would be forgiven for thinking it was a terrible disease to be endured, battled and struggled with.

Please can we stop the scaremongering? It’s frightening many younger women to death.

Menopause is not a disease. It’s a natural part of life that every woman goes through.

It is very much a transitional period, similar to puberty, where your body is adjusting to lower levels of hormones. In fact, menopause is often called ‘second puberty.’

The more negative and apprehensive you are about menopause, the worse your symptoms are likely to be – studies have actually demonstrated this!

So let’s reframe how we think about this time of renewal. With no more monthly periods to worry about, menopause can really be a great opportunity for growth, self-discovery and to finally become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

Just think of all those years of wisdom, inner strength and resilience that has made you into the woman you are today. In many cultures, older women are celebrated as wise women, leaders and ‘repositors of information.’

Yes of course, you may be experiencing symptoms – higher levels of anxiety, disrupted sleep, brainfog and much lower levels of being able to tolerate annoyances you were previously ok with.

Regard these symptoms as a wake up call that changes are needed, not only to your nutrition and lifestyle, but maybe something else too in your life?

Do, take a look at anything that is annoying or irritating you, or making you unhappy. Now is the time to do something about it.

It doesn’t have to be a radical change of career or partner – as it was in my case! It could just be investing in your own self-care and making your own wellbeing and happiness a priority.

Consider menopause a gentle nudge to taking action towards a happier, more positive & more fulfilled future.

After all we have as much as 40% of our lives ahead of us.

I’d love to hear your views on this topic? Do get in touch or comment.