Myth: HRT is the only way to fix your menopause symptoms

If you believed everything you heard in the media, you’d be forgiven for thinking that HRT is the only way to fix your menopause symptoms.

This makes me really angry for many reasons, not least because it’s doing a complete disservice to all women.

? Menopause is not a medical problem that needs to be solved.

? Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life, it’s not a hormone deficiency.

? It’s an over simplistic approach that considers all women equal. It’s not a one size fits all situation.

? Not every woman is able to take HRT and not every woman wants to.

? It overlooks the fact that there are extremely complex chemical processes at play.

For far too long we’ve overlooked the effect that nutrition and lifestyle changes can have on our bodies.

Yes, HRT can be part of the puzzle, however I've witnessed time and time again the many women I’ve worked with who have completely resolved their symptoms with nutrition and life-style changes alone.

7 years ago when brain fog, anxiety and hot flushes hit me out of the blue, my history of breast cancer meant that anti-depressants were the only thing on offer and I had to find alternative solutions.

And that’s why I developed The Menopause Method my personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme that addresses YOUR specific symptoms and teaches you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feeling normal again.

There are just 2 spaces left to start working with me 1:1 in September – get in touch if you’re ready and committed to making the changes you need to get back to feeling like your old self.