What everyone who’s concerned about menopause weight gain needs to know…. counting calories & doing more exercise doesn’t work!

How to lose weight at menopause is a question I’m asked a lot.

For too long we’ve been told that we just need to cut our calories do more exercise. But if that was good advice, why is it not working?

The answer is that it doesn’t take into account what the food you’re eating is doing to your body.

When you cut calories, your metabolism slows down and starts doing less, anticipating a potential scarcity of food.

Exercising has never been a good strategy for weight loss and if you start doing more, you’re likely to be depriving your body of essential nutrients, not to mention feeling a lot more hungry.

So to lose weight it's vital to change what you're eating, not how much.

To ensure you're body is in the right state to burn fat and not lay down more, it's all about man-aging your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Especially at menopause, you need to stop eating the sugary and refined starchy carbs and start eating more protein, healthy fats and a lot more vegetables and low sugar fruits.

Not to mention ensure you’re getting enough sleep, doing the right amounts and types of exercise, plus managing your stress levels.

These are the key pillars of managing your weight at menopause and underpin my 12-week 1:1 nutrition coaching programme The Menopause Method.

If 1:1 coaching is not for you, I have a new group programme coming soon. DM me the word 'GROUP' and I'll be in touch. ?