Know what the most important hormone to keep balanced at menopause is? Clue – it’s not oestrogen!

The answer is insulin - are you surprised?

Insulin is one of THE most important hormones affecting how you feel and what symptoms you’ll experience at menopause.

When insulin is out of balance, usually due to blood sugar levels being all over the place, there are several knock-on effects on your sex hormones [oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone].

One thing insulin is notorious for is driving weight gain, and hampering weight loss.

It also plays havoc with many of the other processes in the body that could be causing your oestrogen levels to be way higher than they should be.

This could be driving your mood swings, sugar cravings, hot flushes, memory lapses, night sweats and interfering with your sleep.

It’s vital therefore, that you manage your blood sugar and insulin levels at menopause. The easiest way to do this is to cut out the sugary and refined starchy carbohydrates.

This is one of the basic pillars I'll be covering in my new 4-week live group programme starting on 3 October -Using Food as Medicine | Menopause Nutrition Made Simple.

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