Meet Alison, who joined my last live group programme because she had put on weight, was not sleeping properly, and her energy levels were flagging.
During the 4-weeks, Alison learnt the key pillars of how to use food as medicine at medicine to lose weight healthily and sustainably and reduce her menopause symptoms. The 7-day recipe and menu plan provided inspiration for how and what to eat, and I was on hand by private messagenger between the weekly live sessions to answer any questions.
Not only has Alison lost more than 1 stone in weight and improved her menopause symptoms, her sleep has also improved and she is feeling lighter, brighter and more energetic.
No matter what your symptoms are, this 4-week group programme is specifically designed to teach you the 5 key pillars of how to use food as medicine at menopause, that will transform how you feel.
Don’t miss out – the earlybird rate is £175 until Wednesday 20 September, thereafter £225.
Sign up at: