Did you know that a staggering 80% of women don’t speak to their partner about menopause?

I was shocked to read this statistic and wondered why this might be?

With the increased discussion and media awareness of all things menopause you would think that it was no longer a taboo topic!

I know from speaking to men and women, partners of menopausal women can be left feeling helpless or even traumatised by that is happening as they try to cope with fast-moving, often overwhelming symptoms.

We’d all like to have a supportive partner during menopause. But this can’t happen if we don’t talk to them about what we’re going through.

Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk to your partner about menopause?

Do you worry your partner won’t understand or won’t be able to help?

Do you simply not want to burden your partner with your problems?

Or have you tried and had a less than positive response?

If like me you’ve experienced the whirlwind of changes that menopause can bring, from hot flushes to mood swings, and so much more, I’d love to know whether you felt able to discuss what was happening with your partner?

Do let me know!