Should menopause be considered a disability?

Should menopause be considered a disability? This was a hot media topic yesterday and in my opinion takes the discussion a step too far.

7 years ago in my senior marketing role, severe brain fog left me struggling to do a job I had done successfully for over 25 years and I was eventually fired!

Even though it was an unfair dismissal, it was nevertheless profoundly distressing and shocking. However, to use the word ‘disabled’ in this context just feels wrong.

Did my symptoms meet the legal definition of a disability? I do not know. What I do know however, is that my symptoms have not caused long-term physical or mental impairment, de-spite the substantial and adverse effect on my life at the time.

Menopause is a natural and transformative phase in a woman’s life, which brings a range of physical and emotional changes.

It’s a time when understanding your body’s needs and self-care become paramount.

It’s a time when you can no longer get away with poor nutrition and lifestyle choices.

Every woman’s experience of menopause will be different and whether your symptoms are severe, mild or non-existent, how you are living your life right now may need to change.

Instead of viewing menopause as a disability, I believe it should be recognised as a powerful transition into a positive new life phase.

I’d love to know what you think about this controversial topic? Where do you stand?