What you need to know about hormones….. at menopause it’s not just about oestrogen!

At menopause it really isn't just about oestrogen and progesterone as the media would have us believe!

Your menopause symptoms are the combined result of multiple hormones - their interaction and what food you're eating, as well as how you're living your life.

It really is quite complex, but here's a quick overview:

💖 Oestrogen, progesterone & testosterone [sex hormones] control your reproductive cycle and sense of wellbeing. At menopause it’s natural for these to be lower.

💖Cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline [stress hormones] regulate your body’s response to stress. If cortisol is high all your other hormones will by knocked out of balance.

💖 Insulin, leptin and grehlin [energy-balance hormones] control your energy, hunger and blood-sugar balance. Insulin can increase/decrease your sex hormone levels and if too high will cause weight gain.

💖 Serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine [mood hormones or neurotransmitters] govern your focus, mood and sense of wellbeing.

💖 Thyroid hormones [T3, T4 & TSH] control your metabolism and are very sensitive to stress.

This complex interplay of hormones has a profound effect on your menopause symptoms. They all work together like an orchestra and when one is out of tune, there is a knock on effect on all the rest.

Learning how to manage this internal communication system can help you reduce all symptoms from brain fog and hot flushes to quality of sleep.

We cover all of these bases in The Menopause Method - my 12-week 1:1 nutrition coaching programme, which is why it works!

It's as a simple as that!