You may think you need a calorie deficit to lose weight at menopause. You don’t! Here’s why and what to do instead…

The calorie deficit theory of weight loss is an outdated myth based on the assumption that all calories are equal - which they're not!

In fact, there is no evidence for this theory at all!

The problem is that it doesn’t take into account your age, sex, weight, whether you’re in menopause or even if your body is in fat-burning mode.

When you eat less [and do more exercise] your body will adjust, slow down and do even less [aka you won't lose weight].

And worse, when you start eating more, you'll put on weight. It's very difficult to stop this slow down!

What you need to do is STOP eating highly refined, processed and sugary foods that cause your blood sugar levels to rise AND increase your fat storage hormone insulin.

This means that to lose weight sustainably and for the long term it's far more important to change what you eat, rather than how much.

I've helped hundreds of women [and men] lose weight and it can work for you too!

Get in touch if you'd like to know more.