How being fired from my corporate career at menopause really was the best thing that happened to me…

When brain fog and extreme anxiety hit me 7 years ago, my history of breast cancer meant that HRT was not an option for me.

My symptoms ultimately led to being fired from my corporate job, which although distressing at the time, I now believe was the best thing that has happened to me.

Faced with no other alternative I researched and discovered natural alternatives to managing menopause symptoms, which were so successful I decided to retrain in nutrition for 4 years to enable me to help other women [like you].

However, despite the massive increase in menopause awareness, there is still sadly a lack of in-formation and importance placed on the power of nutrition and lifestyle changes. It’s still very much a medication first approach to supporting women in perimenopause and menopause.

This is totally the wrong way round!

The truth is that your nutrition, lifestyle and stress levels play a pivotal role in how you feel and how you’ll experience menopause. Because guess what they really do impact your hormones!

I believe that not exploring these options is a massive disservice to all women and in particular those that cannot for whatever reason or don't want to take HRT.

This is why I created 'The Menopause Method' - my 12-week private nutrition coaching pro-gramme, designed to address YOUR specific symptoms by taking a deep-dive into all areas of nutrition and lifestyle that drive hormonal imbalances, so that you can get back to feeling normal and like your old self again.

If you want to know more go to