6 ways to get a good night’s sleep

Sleep disruption is a common symptom I see in my menopause clinic and there are as many reasons as to why this happens as there are things you can do about it.

What you may not know, however, is that good sleep starts from the moment you wake up in the morning.

These are just 6 of my 25 top tips for getting a good night's sleep and maybe some are new ideas for you?

1. Exposing your eyes to daylight early in the day helps set your body clock [circadian rhythm]. The infrared light at sunrise and sunset is particularly powerful.

2. Stop looking at screens, phones and laptops for at least 1 hour & preferably 2-3 before bed-time. The blue light blocks the build-up of the sleep hormone melatonin you need to get to sleep and stay asleep.

3. We've been living with electric light bulbs for little over 100 years and our biology has not caught up.... so dimming lights at sunset and/or using candles can help prepare us for sleep.

4. A bedtime wind down routine is important, find something that works for you eg hot bath, reading a book or listening to music.

5. Don’t eat 2-3 hours before bed time. It can cause indigestion, which interferes with sleep.

6. Simple diet changes can be a game-changer, especially focus on foods that help build the sleep hormone melatonin eg magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and tryptophan.

If you'd like a copy of my 25 top tips for a good night's sleep DM me the word 'SLEEP'.

Sweet dreams 😴💤🛌