Michele cured her 8-month persistent headache. Here’s how we did it.

When I met Michele, she had been plagued with a persistent head-ache for 6 months [which had started suddenly on one day].

She had seen every possible healthcare professional [including doctors, neurologists, neurosurgeons, acupuncturists, hypnotherapists, osteopathists, chiropractors etc.].

She had undergone many tests and scans; ruled out a brain tumour; tried every possible prescription medication they could think of, including migraine, epilepsy, antidepressants and Botox injections.

But nothing touched the headache.

Michele had a history of hormonal imbalance and the classic menopause symptoms of hot flushes and disrupted sleep. She wanted to rule out hormonal causes and signed up to work with me inside The Menopause Method.

Fast forward 2 months and her headache had gone, her sleep improved, hot flushes reduced and her energy level increased.

So how did we do it?

In addition to the usual nutrition and lifestyle changes, I suggested that the pain could be psychosomatic and recommended she read 'The Divided Mind' by John E. Sarno about his theory and work on chronic pain.

The book really resonated with Michele and she began investigating and implementing his techniques. Result - they worked and her head-ache was cured.

We are much more than our menopause symptoms. I often see women in my clinic with additional conditions such as thyroid dysfunction, IBD, osteoporosis etc. And the beauty of working with you holistically and not just a set of ovaries, is that I drill down detective style to un-cover what is driving your symptoms and anything else that's going on.

Magic it certainly is not!

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