Here’s how John lost 12 pounds in 12 weeks and for the first time ever didn’t put on weight on holiday

Meet John, who after a life-changing health scare and major heart surgery was advised to lose weight by his doctor, but despite his best efforts it just wasn't shifting.

After working together for 12-weeks, John lost 12 pounds. Plus for the first time ever didn’t put on any weight on a 10-day all-inclusive holiday in the sun.

So what did we do that made such a difference to John?

✅ We cut down on the sugary & starchy carbs that cause blood sugar and insulin imbalances that drive weight gain and make weight loss impossible.

✅ We ensured he was eating protein at each meal to keep him feeling full and satiated throughout the day.

✅ We switched out the low fat diet products [high in sugar] for full-fat versions to help him feel full and also make his food taste good.

✅ We increased the level of water he was drinking each day to avoid dehydration and support his high blood pressure.

✅ We worked on getting him moving more by increasing his physical activity level with daily walks.

✅ We introduced specific supplements to support the nutritional deficiencies identified through testing, that were safe to take with his health condition and associated medication.

John’s sense of wellbeing and peace of mind have improved massively and he feels his life has genuinely changed for the better.

This is because education is an integral part of my method. I teach you how to make healthy food and lifestyle choices and explain why.

If you want to get results like this then DM me to find out how.