Please don‘t tell me I can‘t help you with your menopause symptoms because you have a healthy diet. I‘ve heard it all before!

I’ve worked with many woman who were initially skeptical about how I could help them be-cause they thought they had a healthy diet and didn’t want to waste their money.

That is until they tried it and then couldn’t believe how good they felt.

Don’t be that woman.

What you think is a healthy diet, may not be, especially at menopause.

Just because you don’t eat junk or ultra processed food and eat lots of fruit and veg doesn’t mean that you’re eating the right food for you, your body, your hormones and your lifestyle.

If you’re putting up with brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, sleep disruption, hot flushes, weight gain and are feeling exhausted [delete as appropriate] then that’s a sign that something needs to change.

No matter whether you’re taking HRT or not, if you don’t address nutrition and lifestyle factors, you’re missing out on a whole new level of vitality, not to mention the opportunity to get to the route causes of your symptoms.

There’s still 6 full weeks left until Xmas. That’s 6 weeks to start making changes to get you back to feeling like your real self again. Imagine enjoying your best Xmas and New Year ever?

This is not a pipe dream, it’s entirely possible inside my 12-week private nutrition coaching programme The Menopause Method.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll start feeling better.

Don’t be tempted to add it to the New Year’s resolution list either.

If you’re ready, committed and motivated to start changing the way you feel, get in touch!