How I’m reversing my osteoporosis and osteopenia

My diagnosis of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia in 2021 came as a complete shock.🤭

I refused to take the medication on offer as I didn’t like the look of the potential side effects. I was also suspicious about being advised to supplement calcium when my blood levels looked ok.🤨

So here's what I did instead:

🩻 I started by ensuring I was eating enough protein at every meal. You need at least 1.2g per kg of body weight in midlife and more if you do a lot of strenuous exercise.

🩻 I switched my exercise routine to including weight-bearing exercise 2-3 times a week. This sends a signal to my bones that they need to keep rebuilding and stay strong. Bones are not inert, they are living tissue! 🦴

🩻 I checked my calcium intake was optimal, not too low or too high using the online calculator from The Osteoporosis Society. 📱

🩻 I test my vitamin D3 level regularly to check it’s at an optimal level and always supplement appropriately in winter. 💊

🩻 In addition, I take vitamin K2 and magnesium to ensure that the calcium actually gets into my bones rather than into my body’s tissues and arteries [which is damaging]. 😲

🩻Finally, I feed my gut microbes and immune system with lots of different types and colours of vegetables and low-sugar fruits. 🍉🥦

The result? At my last private DEXA scan, my lumbar spine T-score had improved slightly from -3.5 to -3.2.

My 10-year fracture risk has reduced from 12% to 8% so I’m moving in the right direction!

If you'd like support in reversing your osteoporosis and/or osteopenia - get in touch!