Carbohydrates are the only non essential macro nutrient – especially if you’re diabetic!

Despite what others may say carbohydrates are really not an essential macro nutrient, as in essential for life. Especially if you're a diabetic.

I know this is a controversial opinion in some quarters, especially if you believe the government healthy eating guidelines... but it is true.

For diabetics, high blood glucose and insulin resistance are wreaking havoc in the body and causing a myriad of symptoms. So why recommend eating the very foods that are causing the blood to be high in glucose [aka sugar]? It doesn't make any sense.

The same applies to those that are looking to lose weight and women who are experiencing perimenopause and menopause symptoms, a time of life when the body becomes more insulin resistant.

I'm not saying you should never eat any carbohydrates at all I'm just pointing out what I think is common sense. Carbohydrates cover a broad range of foods from a doughnut to a banana, so of course they're not all equal - either in carb content or nutritional value.

I could explain further but will leave it there for now, I've talked about the effects of insulin on the body and hormones many times.

Do let me know what you think! 😉