Meet Cathy who found a solution to her longstanding constipation in just 2 weeks AND lost her first 2KG

Meet Cathy who had been constipated for as long as she could remember.

She had also been struggling to lose the 1.5 stone she’d put on in the past year, which is the rea-son she came to see me.

Cathy had tried everything from cutting calories, to Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Slim-Fast and intermittent fasting.

BUT everything that had worked in the past was no longer making a difference to her weight. Plus Cathy had considered her constipation as normal, it had been going on for so long.

Here's what we did that enabled her to lose her first 2kg in just 2 weeks of her 12-week pro-gramme and resolve her years' long constipation at the same time.

⚖️ We created a PERSONALISED sustainable weight loss plan that specifically fitted with HER lifestyle.

⚖️ We ensured she was eating a protein-rich breakfast and STOPPED the excessive fasting.

⚖️ We banished the low-fat and calorie counting approach to weight loss that just doesn't work at perimenopause.

⚖️ We ensured she was eating a diverse range of different coloured vegetables and fruits.

⚖️ We cut out the sugary sweets she was using to boost her energy to enable her to exercise.

⚖️ As a busy career woman, we ensured that her new sustainable weight loss strategy was EASY to implement and fit into her hectic schedule.

For Cathy she said it really was the best thing she'd done.

Do you relate to Cathy's story?

If now is the time for you to FINALLY take control of your weight then get in touch.

Don't wait until after Xmas, the sooner you start, the sooner you'll notice the difference!