What does D stand for? December? Darkness? Depression? Vitamin D?

Ah December!

A month filled with bright lights, festive cheer, and… for some a difficult time of year. These cold, dark, short days of winter and lack of light can really affect your mental wellbeing - especially menopause.

Today is the 7th anniversary of my youngest sister Rachel’s suicide aged 45 [almost 50% of menopausal women say they feel depressed].

I always post about it, because it’s a moment of reflection for me on her life, her death and the realisation that in life bad things do happen.

Of course there's lots you can do to boost your mood when you’re feeling down. From my own experience I know that when you’re in the depths of despair it's hard to believe that there is way forward.

So, if you or any of your loved ones are struggling, here’s some tips on how to support them.

😎 Be there for them [don't avoid them because you feel awkward!]

😎 Do listen to what they have to say if they want to talk.

😎 Silence is fine as is saying ‘Not sure what to say, but I'm here if there is anything I can do.'

😎 Do tell them how much you value your relationship with them.

😎 Encourage them to eat - nutrition dense protein, vegetables & healthy fats really do impact mood.

😎 Remember that sugar & UPF makes everything worse including mood.

😎 Alcohol is a depressant and is not helpful [especially in excess].

😎 Get outside in daylight and expose your eyes to the light, even on dark, wet, cold days.

😎 Move, walk, exercise, cold water swim – the endorphins and extra oxygen are mood boosters.

😎 Watch something fun on TV that makes you laugh – avoid the news at all costs!

😎 Don't tell them to get a grip and point out that many are worse off than them!

😎 Test your vitamin D levels and supplement accordingly. The lower your vitamin D the worse your mood.

Vitamin D is vital for your brain and mental health and encourages the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin – the ‘happy’ hormone.

Signing off for Xmas now – I wish you all a happy, peaceful and restful time whatever your mood, whatever your plans.

Helen 💘